(Andy Synn reviews the latest EP by Victorian Whore Dogs, from Guildford in the UK.)
Let’s make this quick, shall we? I’m sure we’ve all got things to do, and places to be.
In short, Hobo Chic is awesome.
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Hobo Chic is the second EP released by British sludgemongers Victorian Whore Dogs, and it’s exactly as savage, sludgy, and ever-so-slightly-sassy, as you might expect/hope it to be.
Though the recording’s a tad rough-and-ready, as befits the underground nature of the band, and therefore doesn’t quite capture the full sonic weight of the quartet’s live sound (imagine being crushed to death under a creeping avalanche of medical waste and you’re about halfway there), it definitely capitalises on the raw, oozing-wound nature of each track.
The guitars scratch and scrape and thrum with ballsy, booming presence, locked into shape by a grimy and groovesome drumming performance which accentuates every choked-out chord and narcotic riff with considerable aplomb, whilst over the top of this the vocals spit forth a vile stream of foul invective, switching between a clotted, gargling growl and a spiteful, nerve-shredding shriek as the situation dictates.
Utterly and shamelessly filthy (in the best possible way), and armed with a hefty dosage of ugly groove and nihilistic venom, along with a wickedly warped sense of humour to boot, I expect seriously big things from these guys in the future.